Max branches, branching and customizability?


I am learning about this platform and it's intriguing

  • I am looking into this for a project I plan on using this in and wondering if there are any limitations in terms of max branches possible per branch and in the total project? Is it something so high I don't have to worry about?
  • When it comes to branching, the only way possible to get it to switch to the next branch at the moment is the questions that show up at the end of the video, adding any clickable elements within an interactive video, the max possibility with clickable elements is to able to move within the same video or a URL, did I get that correct?
  • In terms of customisbiliby, I am limited to just the visual bits on the questions on the end, their fonts, text, colors, images, and borders?


The goal is to use it for an interactive video with many different scenarios! :) 

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Sharif_4,

  • Max Branches - I'm not sure if there is an actual limit (I have not checked the code) however I have seen very large contents with very long branches.
  • Yes you are correct, the videos are independent of the branching questions so currently the only way to move around are the branching questions after the videos/contents
  • Outside of the built in visual options you can use a PHP hook, to add your own CSS-file to the content type. Please visit the Visual Changes page for more details. This is the documentation if you are using .


Sorry for the late reply, I need to figure out how to turn on email notification here.

I have a few more questions your way:

  • Could elaborate on developer access, why would one want to do that? 
  • In terms of server bandwidth in terms of using the plugin on our own WordPress sites, do you have any heads up or insight into what one should know?
  • In terms of support, if I were to get the paid subscription, would that include, making custom modifications, say to the sliding pop up for the interactive video? (That's mainly what this H5P would be used to do)
  • Let's say, after 3 years, for whatever reason there aren't any updates coming in and WordPress update came in that made it to work as intended anymore, being open source, would it be an easy feat for an external developer to jump in and debug the plugin to keep it working? 


BV52's picture

Hi Sharif_4,

  • I'm not sure where you saw developer access but we are not giving any developer access to anymore.
  • This can be answered better by the community that actually self host their contents
  • No, custom modifications are not included in the paid subscription. is mainly a hosting serving and includes using LTI with your LMS. You can read more about here:
  • If you self host your content are responsible for maintaining the contents/plugin installation. You can report any issues/bugs in the forum so that we have our developers check on it, however we need to test it first if the issue is an actual bug or just your installation. You can get help from an external developer anytime that you need it.