Latest course presentation version problem: interactive video

If I install the latest drupal version on a clean local dev environment, install the latest h5p module and upload the latest course presentation module from this site, I cannot include any interactive video.
If I upload a small mp4 video, and press done, nothing happens.
If I just leave it in that state and save that drupal page, the video is there.
If I open the edit mode then again, I can edit the video, i.e. set interactivity and so on. Pressing done works, but again, if I press done to save the overall interactive video settings, nothing happen.
If I again save the drupa site, all changes are there.
Is there any fix for this available?

fnoks's picture

Which version of the H5P Drupal module are you using?

I tried with 2 versions:
7.x-1.0-beta10 (latest)
As said: clean drupal install, then module installation and download of presentation h5p module from this website
Thank you!

In addition: in this coursepresentation module the summary quiz of the interactive video is not yet integrated in the total scores and thus will not be considered in the score overview and score calculation.

fnoks's picture

I have tested this locally, and I see the issue. The problem is that the current version of IV adds empty summary statements. When you push "done", it won't save, because these staements can't be empty. If you select the "Summary task"-tab in IV after clicking "done", you will see there are warnings about this. This was not intended, and will be solved in an upcoming release. In the meanwhile, fill in the summary statements or delete them. Then it should be possible to save normally.

Thank you for reporting this!

I forgot to mention: I added summary questions, tested the question by answering them correctly, but they are not included then in the score's lis, however.

falcon's picture

Thanks for reporting. This will be fixed!