Subscribers have access to H5P

We use the H5P for our academy and now people who are logged in (via wordpress) can also see and adjust these tests. The students are registered as subscribers. But if they login with wp-admin they also see H5P. What can I do to shield this from everyone except an administrator?
I have attached a screenshot.

otacke's picture

Hi Karenpetra!

WordPress ships with a role management system that H5P supports. It allows you to define what user in what role is allowed to do what.

The respective capabilities here would be "view_h5p_contents" and "view_others_h5p_contents" that would need to be removed from the "subscriber" role.

Unfortunately, WordPress doesn't ship with a user role editor, so you would need to use a separate plugin for changing those, for instance User Role Editor.


Thank you. I will try that.

Thank you. I will try this.