Speaking the words accepts wrong answers

Hi there!

I've created Speaking the words for Italian language, it works generally fine as it accepts correct answers. But I realized that it accepts as a correct answer some of them which are totally wrong from linguistic point of view. For example, I should say "laborgeene" (for lamborghini) but it accepts also "lamborjeene" which is a common mistake. The same problem regards some other words. Is there anything I can do about it? If it remains as it is unfortunately it becomes useless for a language course :(

otacke's picture


Speech recognition is done by the browser (or a web service that the browser is using), not by H5P. So there's nothing that could be done here.


papi Jo's picture

As a (former) language teacher still interested in using Information Technology for language teaching, I have tried H5P Speaking the words. I've found the results irregular: most of the time it will accept correct answers as correct and incorrect ones as incorrect. Unfortunately, as you have found out, it is certainly not 100% reliable, and can lead to frustration both for teacher and student.

Pending progress in the browsers speech recognition engine I have stopped using this H5P activity. As the saying goes, "the surest way to never get disappointed is not to set your level of expectations too high".