Wordpress not storing any results


I am using the Dialog Cards library via the WordPress plugin, and my results page is always empty. It doesn't seem to store any data at all.

In the settings both 'Log results for signed in users' and 'Allow logged-in users to resume tasks' are checked.

Is this correct? All I want to know is when a student has finished the cards so I can trigger an automation.


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BV52's picture

Hi Christian,

Dialog does not generate any data. If I may suggest you can use Course Presentation, then combine Dialog Cards and another content say True/False. This way it will generate data that you can use tp trigger an automation.


Is it possible for me to sponsor the development of this feature? I would like it to store some basic data about Dialog Cards:

- The user ID
- Date/time completed
- Percentage correct
- Completed/not completed



How can I sponsor the development of this feature? I want to store some really basic info from the Dialog Cards like the user ID, percentage correct, etc. Thanks!

How can I sponsor the development of this feature? I want to store some really basic info from the Dialog Cards like the user ID, percentage correct, etc. Thanks!

BV52's picture

Hi Christian,

If you are using H5P.com to host your content you can send an email to [email protected] to reach our Customer Success team. On the other hand if you are using the plugin for wordpress you can fill out this form.