Missing translated words in Galician translation


I've been translating H5P into Galician (and Spanish) for a while.

I think I have now either translated or revised all the available material. However, I still see that some words do not apperar in Galician, notably the word "ADD" in buttons still appears in English. The same happens with some other strings like "Text overrides ans translations".

I see this problem will not appear in other languanges, like Spanish.

What am I missing?

otacke's picture

@BV The issue is caused by https://github.com/h5p/h5p-interactive-video/blob/master/src/scripts/interactive-video.js#L1152 which requires the user to have interacted before an answer is accepted. You can easily verify this by going to the example above, check an answer, uncheck it again and then hit "Check". Works then.

Not sure why that restriction was added, so I cannot come up with a solution.

BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

I think you meant this post "Multiple choice does not record score if no answer checked is the correct answer". I guess it's a bug/design flaw, I'll file it later ;-)



otacke's picture

Oh, yes, I did. I had both posts open, looked at the code and must then have chosen the wrong one :-D

BV52's picture

Hi antonioaneiros,

Firstly we apologize for the mispost.

Would you mind providing the following:

  1. Screenshot of the untranslated fields. A comparison of Spanish, Galician and English will help.
  2. Content type/s affected
  3. A link to PRs filed in Github



I forgot to mention I'm working on moodle.

This is the button to add options to a multiple choice but the same will appear in every other module in Galician; as you see, the word "ADD" appears untranslated:

However, in Spanish:

The word ADD appears translated.

The same will happen to other fields, like the Tutorial and Example buttons:

While in Spanish they appear translated...


Sorry, I'm afraid I'm unable to send any screenshots. Copying & pasting doesn't seem to work and the modules come from sites that require registration...

BV52's picture

Hi antonioaneiros,

You can attach them here. You should see ""Attahcments" at the bottom when writing a comment.


OK, silly me. I've found the attachment section. Hang on.


Ok, here are the promised screenshots. From the multiple choice module... but the same happens in any other.

otacke's picture


There's no Galician translation for H5P core editor, that's all. See https://github.com/h5p/h5p-editor-php-library/tree/master/language



And how can I add that component in https://translate-h5p.tk? I can't find it...

otacke's picture


That site is not maintained by the H5P core team, but by Sebastian Rettig. It's well possible that this component cannot be included due to it's different translation structure. You would need to reach out to Sebastian.

Alternatively, you can always contribute via a pull request to the github repository directly.


Added Galician translation to h5p-editor-php-library via github.


BV52's picture

Hi antonioaneiros,

Thank you for the contribution. Our developers would have to review the code and schedule a translation release. You can check the release overview page to know if the translation has been released.