H5P - Interactive Video - Inconsistent timings of questions
Basic details
Type of device: Desktop
Browser: Chrome
Platform: Moodle
H5P plugin version: Built-in Moodle H5P plugin
H5P, mod_h5pactivity, 2021051700
H5P, contenttype_h5p, 2021051700
H5P framework v1.24, h5plib_v124, 2021051700
H5P content type and version: Interactive Video (and I see two lines in Moodle H5P content types area, and two different versions: 1.22.14, 1.24.4, although I didn't change anything in this area of the system, so I hope it's normal)
I've created an H5P interactive video, loaded into it a Vimeo video by URL, and created questions in it. I'm now facing a problem, because I was asked to create 3 different questions that need to be displayed sequentaly, each one right after the other in a very short time (1-2 seconds), so I timed the questions to appear in timemarks that are on the level of 1/10 of a second.
I managed to do it on my computer when I did this edit, but then got a response that another person saw 2 questions at the same time, and because of the limited time window, after she answered the first question, the second one wasn't displayed anymore so she couldn't answer it.
I'm wondering what's the expaination for these different timings of questions. Did anyone encounter such a phenomenon? If the timings are inconsistent when trying on different times or browsers or devices, it's major issue.
Tue, 12/27/2022 - 12:53
Hi acquaalta,It would help if
Hi acquaalta,
It would help if you share your content as well as information on the device and browser that encountered the issue.
Tue, 12/27/2022 - 21:20
Hi!The explanation is quite
The explanation is quite simple (and I am trying to explain it in a simple way). H5P Interactive Video tries to update the current time every 40 milliseconds (25 times per second). It tries, because a browser/JavaScript does not give you a guarantee that it can fulfill that wish. There may be processes running that simply need more time, and executing H5P code itself takes time - and then H5P (like any other JavaScript application) needs to wait for its turn. So timing can differ between differently powered devices, different browser engines and platforms with different load. You'll not be able to time a video frame perfectly, and interactions set close together can pop up at the same time.
Wed, 12/28/2022 - 14:36
Thanks and a follow-up question :-)
Hi Oliver and BV,
Thanks for the explaination. If that so, then what should do a user that wants to insert multiple number of multiple choice questions at the same timecode in a video? By "at the same timecode" I mean that the questions should be displayed one after the other, with no delay between them.
Please note that I know that in the "Single Choice Set" question type in an interactive video there is an option to add more questions. The thing is that I intentionally use the "Multiple Choice" question, and it doesn't have the option to add more questions in the same instance.
Please let me know if you have any suggestion or tip.
Thanks :-)
Wed, 12/28/2022 - 15:46
Simply don't make the time
Simply don't make the time difference too small. No, I cannot make "too" more precise, see previous post. You may want to start with half a second and then iterate to find a good compromise.
Wed, 12/28/2022 - 17:19
Or you can place the
Or you can place the questions on the same time interval with the setting to pause the video. Place a number on the title of question to indicate which one should be answered first. I know it is not an ideal workaround but it's always good to have choices.
Thu, 12/29/2022 - 09:07
Do you think this is a viable feature request?
A possible solution to the original issue I raised would be implementing a feature like "Freeze/Extend Frame" in "Camtasia":
The question is if that seems a viable feature request in your opinion? Should I opene a seperate issue for it, or H5P doesn't work like that and there is no option, technically-wise, to implement such a feature.
Thu, 12/29/2022 - 17:09
Hi acquaalta,I doubt this
Hi acquaalta,
I doubt this will be implemented. Interactive Video is not a video editing tool and from the description of the process the "Freeze/Extend Frame" edits the video. You could however pre-edit your video before using it in IV.