Adjusting Size and Resolution using Slider on LMS
Submitted by dmwong on Sat, 11/19/2022 - 01:04
I am adding pictures using sliders and my images are big with horrible resolution that they overwhelm the screen. I would need to scroll down alot to see the whole image and the resolution is poor. I tried all the options available ((automatic, fixed aspect ratio, and unfixed) but none seem to work. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Mon, 11/21/2022 - 21:02
Adjusting Size and Resolution using Slider on LMS
Hello dmwong,
Then it would be good and helpful if you would show an example instead of leaving us to speculate where exactly your problem lies. It would be best if you link the H5P example you have created so far somewhere. Crap now I left my pendulum, crystal ball and tarot cards somewhere again.
Mon, 11/21/2022 - 23:36
Here you go. I am attaching
Here you go. I am attaching screenshots. I do not know how to download H5P files through LMS.
Mon, 11/21/2022 - 23:34
Pictures attached
Attaching pictures. I don' t know how to download H5P files through LMS.
Thu, 11/24/2022 - 18:33
Adjusting Size and Resolution using Slider on LMS
Hello dmwong,
and what is that supposed to tell me about your source images, which are probably displayed with a much too large resolution, but are only 60 pixels in size, but then are stretched to what, 1000 pixels?
I'll get my crystal ball out of the workshop again.
Please learn the basics of graphics processing and how pixel graphics work.
Mon, 11/28/2022 - 22:49
what is the maximum size for
what is the maximum size for sliders and how do you easily get a print screen to fit the size?