Content Types Not Updating

When I update the iFrame Embedder, Collage, Dialog Cards, and Chart content types, I see the "successfully installed" message. But, when I return to the H5P content page,  the content types continue to show "Update available" regardless of the number of times I perform the update. I've updated other content types without a problem. But iFrame Embedder, Collage, Dialog Cards, and Chart continue to have this issue. Any suggestions on how to fix it?  I'm running H5P v1.15.4 on WordPress v5.3.12.



otacke's picture

Hi Joan!

There's nothing that you can do. The release manager of the H5P core team will need to fix this on Joubel's server.



Thanks, Oliver!

BV52's picture

Hi All,

This has been fixed and thank you fo reporting it.


otacke's picture

Hi all!

Yes, can confirm that. The H5P core team fixed the release files.


BV52's picture

Thank you for confirming Oliver.