Geometric bodies

villon's picture

Hello community,

I've made those presentation video with blender 2.79b because I am familiar with it and not with the newer versions of blender, but I hope it is still usefull. It was made for a 3. class in a primary school as a supplement to the other ways of getting to know these bodies and their properties. And since I don't think this can only be used for the presentation of h5p content, I'll add the links to the development of the bodies, which were also created with blender. It is in german, but you can easily change that



otacke's picture


Cool! In case you're running a platform that can already use the H5P OER Hub ...



villon's picture

Hello Oliver,
that should already be in the hub, as I have activated the corresponding option on the website where it is. However, a big drawback is that I can't see whether it has actually ended up there. In this respect, it is somewhat unsatisfactory because I like to work with h5p and then when I create this content myself or assemble it using the appropriate licences and make it available, I either come up against copyright hurdles that I can't really understand, as with zum.apps, or I don't really find out whether the content I created has ended up there, as is the case here with h5p-hub. But I remain optimistic.
Greetings villon

Ahh I see, no possibility if i am not on moodle, drupal 7 or on A pity actually

BV52's picture

Hi villon,

If you are using Wordpress, once the OER hub is officialy released it it will include the support for the WP plugin.


villon's picture

Hi BV52,

thanks for your reply. I'll wait patiently for that. And since we are not on the run, but creating learning content, I am simply looking forward to being able to share my content. And let's see if I still know which content I created myself and which I found somewhere else;)

