Sound affects
Submitted by bez.lashkari on Mon, 11/18/2019 - 10:53
I use the Interactive video content type. I had a question about the sound effects. I see that it only works for Single choice sets, is there a reason for this and/or would it be possible to enable sound effects for the other interactive types such as multiple choice or statements or True/False?
Sound affects in different interaction types
Content types:
Mon, 11/18/2019 - 20:29
Hi Bez,The other content
Hi Bez,
The other content types do not have the script to use the sound effects that Single Choice Set uses. For sound effects to work in other content types the script needs to be written as well as have the necessary sound files. If you want to take a crack at it you can check the structure of Single Choice here.
Tue, 02/22/2022 - 14:21
Enquiry on sound effects
I understand that the sound effects for other content type had been asked a couple of times. Would like to check if there is any step-by-step documentation on how to add it into the code of another content type or does one need to code something from scratch? Would like to include sound effect for other content types like having the sound when users get correct/wrong when they click the Check button. Thanks!