interactive book parallel access

Hey there,

I am using the interactive book content with 2 other students at my university via Moodle. Somehow if we are editing the book at the same time the last modification overrides the other ones.

Is there a way to make sure that working parallel on the book doesnt override changes?



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BV52's picture

Hi Metuwe,

Editing a content at the same is not possible with the current features of H5P. However I think it will be a good addition to H5P.

Note: Moved the post to the feature request forum.


Thank you for the fast reply.

So what would actually be the best way to work on an interactive book with a team?
Is there a way to merge 2 or more books together? Or do we have to work on local copies of our book and use the copy&paste function for single pages to put our changes together?

BV52's picture

Hi Metuwe,

There is no way to "merge" 2 Interactive Books. You can utilize the copy/paste feature instead.