Add a place for directions to the Memory Game
Submitted by [email protected] on Wed, 05/26/2021 - 15:00
If someone is using a screenreader, there is currently not a place for them to read directions or an explanation of what to expect or do with the memory cards. I am not embedding the cards in an LMS so there is no way for me to add directions above the game. Does anyone have a workaround?
This should be an option for all interactives to enable WCAG 2.1 compliancy.
Wed, 05/26/2021 - 21:48
Hi ncaires!H5P uses the
Hi ncaires!
H5P uses the localization settings that you can edit under "Text overrides and translations". In particular, the value set in the "Game label" field will be read via readspeakers (
[email protected]
Thu, 01/06/2022 - 00:18
Need visual title and directions to appear above the memory game
Thanks for your response. I was able to get the screen reader to reach the title with instructions.
Since we are not embedding this content in an LMS, we need the ability to add a title and directions so they appear above the activity.
How can I get the title to appear visually above the matching cards?
In some of the other H5P elements, I was able to add a text box but I don’t see an option for that in the memory game.
[email protected]
Thu, 01/06/2022 - 00:22
Memory Game needs visual title and directions option
Thanks for your response. I was able to get the screen reader to reach the title with instructions.
Since we are not embedding this content in an LMS, we need an ability to add a title and directions above the activity.
How can I get the title to appear visually above the matching cards?
In some of the other H5P elements, I was able to add a text box but I don’t see an option for that in the memory game.