Since the 5 April update : a mysterious dot shows up in multichoice questions [SOLVED]


Since the 5 April update, dots appears in mutichoice questions :

If I inspect the element, I find out that they are linked to this piece of HTML : <span class="h5p-hidden-read">.</span>

Should they be here ? Can I use a display: none; to hide them in the CSS ?

Thanks for your help !


thomasmars's picture

This is an issue caused by not having the latest H5P.Question library, which Multi-choice relies on.  The reason why this happened is because there was an issue with the versioning of H5P.Question in the first package we released, which caused H5P.Question to not update properly. This has since been fixed, if you download and update all libraries from the update page you should be good.


Thanks Thomas for your help : I've upgraded all my libraries with the 8th april update and the problem is solved indeed.