Complex fill the blanks
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A free HTML5 based question type that allows creating fill in the blanks tasks with advanced feedback and 'drop-down' mode in publishing systems like Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle and WordPress.
Would you like to create content like this on your own?
Get startedRegister on to start creating H5P Interactive content. Your content can be accessed via direct link, embeded, or inserted into any learning management system that supports LTI integration.
Learners fill in the missing words in a text or choose the correct answer from a drop-down menu. For each blank, the learners are told if the entered answer is correct. If an answer is incorrect, an individual feedback text is shown for the exact mistake they've made and their attention is drawn to relevant parts of the text. If they only make a minor mistake, they get a warning message telling them what the exact problem is.
Authors enter text and mark blanks with ____. The correct answers, incorrect answers, and the respective feedback texts are then entered in another section below. Authors can also mark parts of the text as 'highlight sections' by surrounding them with !!. They can then reference these highlight sections when they enter the feedback texts for incorrect answers.
'Advanced Fill in the Blanks's is most useful in second language learning, where you can give the users individual hints, why certain tenses or word forms can't be used in this case. While it is possible to have a 'Check' button at the bottom of the exercise and give feedback for all blanks at once, it makes more sense to enable the auto-check setting as the user is guided through the 'fill the blanks' exercise step by step.
If you don't want to use individual feedback or 'drop-down' mode, the regular 'Fill in the Blanks' content type is easier to use and might be the better choice.
Learn how to create Advanced fill the blanks in this tutorial.
New to H5P? Read the installation guide to get H5P on your own site.
Giana Maria Hennigan
Wed, 07/01/2020 - 11:35
Available on column, course presentation or question sets
Good morning,
I was wondering if Advanced Fill in the Blanks will be made available on column, course presentation or question sets?
In the previous entries, it was mentioned that some additions to the code needed to be made before it can be used. Is there an update on that situation?
Thanks in advance!
Neo College
Tue, 09/08/2020 - 04:18
No title please
Hi! Could you add the checkmark to NOT show the instruction in the Fill in the blank, please? (for example, that checkmark is an option in Drag and drog)
Mon, 04/05/2021 - 12:43
How do I get Advanced Fill in the Blanks?
Is this content coming in H5P as an update in near future? Or must I install it otherwise??
I have read the earlier comments, but I'm sad to say, I dont know what to do?
Best wishes
Mon, 04/05/2021 - 18:40
Hi Ajaensen,If you are are
Hi Ajaensen,
If you are are using one of the pluigins for H5P you can download the sample content on this page and upload it to install the libraries. Please note that you need admin access to install the libraries.
Tue, 05/18/2021 - 19:00
Advanced fill the blanks in interactive book
Will it be available in interactive book or column?
It will be great. Thanks !!!
Wed, 05/19/2021 - 18:40
Hi lbarriocanal,There are no
Hi lbarriocanal,
There are no plans from the H5P core team to include Advanced Fill in the Blanks in Column or Interactive Book. However H5P is open sourced so anyone is welcome contribute the code for this to happen..
Fri, 06/18/2021 - 00:15
Demo for Advanced Fill In the Blank Does not Work
I am trying to recommend but the demo on the main page does not have any drop down options, while the one in the tutorial does (I can see from embed codes that they are different content).
Can we get a working demo on the main content type page?
Wed, 07/03/2024 - 08:27
Complex fill in vs. Advanced fill in
Hi h5p,
I can see that this activity has a new name (Complex fill in ...) vs. the previous name Advanced fill in ...
Does this have any impact on the h5p activities we have already created on our site, made with Advanced fill-in...?
I'm asking because on our Moodle installation we have problems getting our Advanced fill-in activities to load (they do not displayed).
The problem seem to disappear if we open (edit) the Advanced fill-in ... activity (without changing anything) and then save them again.
Thrn they load and display as they should.
Our moodle support suggests that the problem is related to the javascript used in Advanced fill in?
Is this an issue you are aware of?
Thanks for the help
Wed, 07/03/2024 - 19:12
Hi Trille,The naming does not
Hi Trille,
The naming does not have anything to do with the issue you are experiencing. However it may have something to do with the library version. When you edit a content Moodle saves it using the latest library version of that content type that is avaiable. If my memory serves me right you are using the Moodle core version of H5P so I am not sure if there is a way to update the existing Advanced/Complex Fill in the Blanks.
Thu, 10/24/2024 - 18:54
How to resize the blanks
Hi there! Can you tell me if there is a way to widen the blank spaces? I teach a foreign language and want my students to see what they type after hitting enter.
Thanks in advance:)
Mon, 11/25/2024 - 10:42
Width of blanks an tables
I use this module to let students fill aut a table. But telling the table cells the size hast no impact on the cell-width. Even to tell the cells, that the cell should do no linebreaks doesn't work. Can you tell me if and where I can write a detailed bug-report?
Wed, 02/12/2025 - 09:07
Doesn't import on Moodle 4.3
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to point out that this actual version, doesn't import on Moodle v4.3. Tried everything: clearing caches both of H5P plugin and Moodle itself, running H5P scheduled task , but nothing seemed to work. I had a version of October 2024 of the very same content ( file name is the same as the one you can download now), and it magically added to the H5P content banks, can't wrap my head around it though.
Hope this helps,
best regards,
Wed, 02/26/2025 - 19:32
Type content is not showing in my version of Moodle+H5P
Good morning, I want to include this type of content (Complex fill-the-blanks) but is not in the Hub. I also tried adding it using an h5p file but I can't use it. I am using Moodle 4.3+the h5p module in the version 1.27.2. Can anyone help me?