How can I make Drag and Drop responsive?


When creating a drag and drop content on WordPress, the view of the task area on mobile becomes tiny (attached). Is there a way to avoid this? Maybe choosing a different task size or image size?

My current setting is this:

Task size: 1240 x 640 ->

Box size: 92 x 26 -> 

Text size: Normal ; 137.5 % -> 

Any best practices here would be appreciated. Other content types resize well so far.

Thank you.

H5P file: 
Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi alegoffa,

I'm afraid the limitation is actually the size of the screen. H5P contents are designed to occupy the width of the screen. In Drag and Drop's case maybe changing the task size to portrait rather than the default landscape settings might help a bit.


Thanks for your reply, I wasn't sure if there's some kind of ideal ratio between task size, box size and text size.