Resizing Interactive Video

How do you resize an interactive video when created. Not changing the embed code when it is added somewhere else. I don't see this option in the settings.

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Nicke,

Are you pertaining to the size of the window, file, quality or somthing else?


The size of the window, not the file quality,

BV52's picture

Hi Nicke,

I'm afraid this is not possible within the settings. However you use a PHP hook, to add your own CSS-file to the content type. Please visit the Visual Changes page for more details.


Just to clarify would this hook be sitewide or just a folder for H5P, is that possible to do so. Thanks for your help.

BV52's picture

Hi Nicke,

The instructions provided on the documentation is targeted to specific content types and is not sitewide.


Can you send me a screenshot example of what and where the code should look like. I am trying to find H5p pod version. Php file. As it is failing to load. 

Here is the moodle error if it helps: 

Warning: include(/home/customer/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/customer/www/ on line 1138

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/customer/www/' for inclusion (include_path='/home/customer/www/') in /home/customer/www/ on line 1138

Thanks for any help you can provide.




I am running into some issues implementing it to the code. I can't find the H5p pod version. Php file as it fails to load. Can you send me a screenshot of where or how it looks within code. 

I cannot locate H5p pod version. Php file and it is failing to load

Thanks for any help you can provide.





Hi , I am having some trouble in my H5p content Frame size ... Like if i use  AGAMOTTO ( Image Blender ) , i upload all the relevant pictures , but after Clicking on Save & Display  , that content has a  Frame Size pf 1544 x 1586  Resolution ..  It just makes it very huge for reading..  Just unable to understand what to do , do i have to do some changes in the script of my browser CSS / HTML or is their a workaround on this..  

I have read that these containers and their sizes often times change as per the resolution of your display , mine is Full HD screen ,  and i am using H5p Content on my MOODLE LMS site .. Could you please help me ? 

I have used the LTI- Message Handler ( for Automatic resizing of H5P content), installed the plugin in my Moodle LMS, Setup the in Moodle site administrations. but still no respite,, My Content on display are pretty huge 
I followed the following links 

Setting up in Moodle -

Moodle plugins directory: LTI Message Handler  

Can you please help me , I have attached picture for your reference , as you can see the Container size is huge and embed size is 1544 x1586 !

BV52's picture

Hi J.Akshay,

I think it is best that you reach out to the support directly by filling out this form.


I simply want to reduce the size of my h5p interactive video within a course so the student does not have view it in full screen.  Can someone point me to a step-by-step tutorial to accomplish this?

I simply want to reduce the size of my h5p interactive video within a course so that the student does not have have view it in full screen.  Can someone point me to a step-by-step tutorial to accomplish this?