Newbie questions
I'm just starting. I was asked by a state Department of Education, for whom I'm creating some training, to us to create some pauses in a video (the MP4 file is what I created), but there are several things I don't understand.
They have Moodle but I don't so I don't understand what to do. I have my own WordPress website -- would I have to use that and would it then work on Moodle?
They told me I could just upload a video, add the interactions, and download it again and send it to them -- I don't see that as an option. Is that the right one?
Would I use the Interactive Video element for creating a pause?
Is it true that all content is public? They told me it was free to use but I know they don't want the content to be public.
Mon, 03/01/2021 - 18:23
Hi EllenFinkelstein,You can
Hi EllenFinkelstein,
You can use the plugin for Wordpres and then you can utilize the export feature of H5P.
Not sure what you meant with a "pause" but the Interactive Video is the content type in H5P that lets you create interactives inside a video.
If you create the contents here in the they are published publicly. However if you are creating your contents using the H5P plugin in Wordpress you have control on who can see the contents much like having control who can see the pages you create.