Importing and exporting
Here you'll learn how to import, export and copy/paste H5P content.
Download H5P file

You can save your .h5p file to your local machine with two simple steps:
- Click “Reuse” button
- Click “Download”
The file is now saved on your local machine.
- You can’t open H5P file on your machine, it has to be uploaded to a site supporting H5P
- When creating content, under "Display options", the "Download" button needs to be enabled.
Upload H5P file

H5P file can be uploaded to any site supporting H5P. To upload .h5p file from your local machine follow the steps:
- Open the Hub
- Click “Upload” tab
- Find the file and upload it
- Click “Save”
Reuse existing H5P questions

H5P allows you to copy parts of its content and reuse it in new content. For example, you could reuse just some questions from one course in another course by copy/pasting just them. Below are the steps how to do so:
- Click “Reuse” button
- Click “Copy” button
- Open the content type where you want to paste a question
- Click "Paste" button
Note: Copy/paste feature works only within an H5P site, not between different H5P sites. To reuse content between sites, use download/upload option.
- You can copy/paste content within the same file (for example from one slide to another)
- In WYSIWYG editors ( Like Course presentation and Interactive video ) you can copy/paste using keys CTRL+C/CTRL+V
- In generic editors, copy/paste buttons are located next to a content type selector:
- The content type "receiving H5P" has to support H5P content type you copied. If not, there will be a message saying "unsupported content type" when you try to paste it.
- The "H5P clipboard" is not the ordinary clipboard on your machine. It lies within the web browser, and can only be used in the H5P context.
Fri, 11/15/2019 - 18:44
Hi cyberrspiritt,Please make
Hi cyberrspiritt,
Please make sure that both Moodle and Wordpress are using the newest version of H5P. If this is the case I suggest that you repost your question in the forums. THe forums provides you the option to upload H5P files and there is a highr chance for your question to be answered compared to having them in the documentation pages.
Tue, 11/26/2019 - 11:17
Tue, 11/26/2019 - 11:16
Issue with Importing Content from Moodle to Wordpress
Hello, I'm trying to import a content from Moodle to Wordpress, It gives me the following error
Validating h5p package failed.
Although the file has never been tampered. Why would this be an issue? I can send you the H5P file too if you would want to take a look. I'm using Wordpress 5.3 with HP5 at 1.15.0 version.
Tue, 04/28/2020 - 03:46
Sharing the course presentation
Hi, I have created a course presentation here in and would like to share it with my colleagues via email. Is it possible to provide them with a link? If so, how?
Tue, 04/28/2020 - 19:34
Hi Samarjit,You can provide
Hi Samarjit,
You can provide the URL of the content. Although please note that the test drive feature on is intended for users who are trying out H5P for the first time. We are experimenting with limiting the number of content types available to make the test drive experience less overwhelming for new users. To access all H5P content types and use H5P for real see the getting started page.
Wed, 06/24/2020 - 10:59
How to use variable of one library in another library
I am creating onclick hotspot calling libraries , on one click acessing text storing in local storage and needed to show on another onclick hotspot who is calling another library to connect two libarary in h5p
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 15:37
Limit the attempts allowed
Is there any way to limit the number of attempts for a quiz on Moodle? say a maximum of five times for a student?
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 15:37
Limit the attempts allowed
Is there any way to limit the number of attempts for a quiz on Moodle? say a maximum of five times for a student?
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 19:22
Hi shervincu,I'm afriad this
Hi shervincu,
I'm afriad this feature is not available.
Fri, 10/09/2020 - 11:44
where can I find a site supporting H5P???
When I download a video, I can't open the file. What programme I have to download to see the video?
Fri, 10/09/2020 - 20:48
Hi,The H5P content when
The H5P content when downloaded is not just a video anymore it consists of multiple files that only the H5P plugin can open. If you want to open the file you need to upload it in a platform with the H5P plugin.
Sun, 10/25/2020 - 18:17
exporting H5P files as html or similar
Hi, just to check I understand correctly: if I create quizzes / presentations etc. with H5P, they can only be viewed on a website / platform that supports H5P (either, or my own website if I add the H5p plugin). That means that the files I create cannot be uploaded and sold via something like Digistore24, right? Is there no way to achieve that? Thanks!
Mon, 10/26/2020 - 19:05
Hi Simson,In a nutshell yes.
Hi Simson,
In a nutshell yes. They cannot use the file, the contents when created are not readily readable by the browser. You can suggest Lumi it was created by someone from the community and works well with H5P contents (I've tested it personally). However it has not been tested by the H5P core team so use it at your own descretion.
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 23:09
Copy/paste drad-and-drop into interactive video
I created a drag-and-drop question. Now I wnat to reuse this content in an interactive video. However, I cannot figure out how I can reuse the drag-and-drop in the interacvtive video. Is it possible or should I build the question from scratch in the interactive video?
Kind regards,
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 23:24
Hi Arman,Copy/Pasting Drag
Hi Arman,
Copy/Pasting Drag/Drop into Interactive Video should work. This documentation should help.
Thu, 02/18/2021 - 23:57
Thanks a lot for your
Thanks a lot for your ultraquick reply. Somehow, I didn't notice the "Paste"-button. Life just got a bit easier ;)
Mon, 08/02/2021 - 01:21
Uploading .h5p file in moodle failed
I have h5p content at which I downloaded to upload in my moodle page but failed with error code:
On the graphical display it does not provide what the error was. I figured out the error message with the debug at the network section.
I am able to upload and use other files I created at at this same moodle site. Again, I am able to re-upload this file at Does anyone have idea how to solve this.
Sun, 01/30/2022 - 08:45
No reuse button in wordpress H5P section
Hi all - I'm trying to migrate some course content from wordpress hosting to hosting. I'm struggling as there is no reuse button within the wordpress H5P editing sections and cannot copy from wordpress editor to editor. I can clearly see the button when creating/editing on There is quite a bit of content done so trying to avoid having to recreate it all. Any help is appreciated
Mon, 01/31/2022 - 17:54
Hi origamiarmy,If you edit
Hi origamiarmy,
If you edit the content there should be an option "Allow users to download content" which is usually on the right side. If this is not available go to Setting -> H5P and check the options below:
Shiori Miyahara
Wed, 03/09/2022 - 05:44
Office document
Hi, I am new to h5p.
I wanted to know if office documents can be exported from h5p so that translators who hasn't installed h5p can localise master English training content to other languages. Could anyone help me out? I hope to export Word or Powerpoint format files. Thanks!
Wed, 03/09/2022 - 17:44
Hi Shiori,I'm afraid you
Hi Shiori,
I'm afraid you cannot export H5P as a different file from .h5p.
Mon, 07/18/2022 - 19:58
Downloads not permitted on branching scenarios?
Hi, I have created a number of quizzes on a trial account, and have been able to download the multiple choice sets but when I click 'Reuse' on the branching scenario set no download option is given. I really need to be able to download this one since it took hours and hours to make. Can anyone help?
Mon, 07/18/2022 - 19:58
Downloads not permitted on branching scenarios?
Hi, I have created a number of quizzes on a trial account, and have been able to download the multiple choice sets but when I click 'Reuse' on the branching scenario set no download option is given. I really need to be able to download this one since it took hours and hours to make. Can anyone help?
Mon, 07/18/2022 - 19:58
Downloads not permitted on branching scenarios?
Hi, I have created a number of quizzes on a trial account, and have been able to download the multiple choice sets but when I click 'Reuse' on the branching scenario set no download option is given. I really need to be able to download this one since it took hours and hours to make. Can anyone help?
Tue, 07/19/2022 - 18:45
Hi amramzy,Whe you say "trial
Hi amramzy,
Whe you say "trial account" I assume you are talking about If this is correct you just need to edit your content and under "Display Options" place a check on "Allow users to download the content".
Tip: When posting I suggest that you post it in the forums. Not only does the forum have more traffic it also provide more flexibility i.e. having the ability to attach files.