Crossword upload - missing library message

Hi there

I get an error message telling me there is a missing required library [see attached] when I try to upload the Crossword content type - this happens both on the test site and on my college Moodle.

I realise that this isn't yet an 'official' h5p content type but it seems from the forum that some people are managing to use it - I'm jealous!

Please advise.

Many thanks - and Season's Greetings!


BV52's picture

Hi Frances,

Where did you download the files? You can download them here and upload in Moodle as a normal content. Please note that you need admin rights to do this (which is the reason why this will not work in



Thanks for your prompt reply! I actually did download the crossword file from the Otacke site (via Reuse at the bottom of the crossword) but when I upload it to my college's Moodle I get the 'missing required library' error message. I had a short email exchange with our Moodle administrator before Xmas and he said he was looking into it - which gave me the impression that the issue wasn't a simple library update. I'll get in touch with him in the new year to clarify further  - but if you have any other ideas I'd be grateful. 

Happy New Year!


otacke's picture

Hi Frances!

As BV mentioned before, you need to have the appropriate rights to manage/install new H5P libraries - which usually only admins have.

When you upload the content file, H5P checks whether the moodle platform already has H5P.Crossword installed - if not, it tries to install the library from the content file, but since you don't have the rights necessary to do so, H5P cannot do that and rightfully complains that the H5P.Crossword library is missing.


Cheers, Oliver - hopefully then it was just a matter of our Moodle admin guy not having time to install the library before the Xmas break and he'll do it in the new year - I am very much looking forward to making crosswords for my students!

Thanks again and have a good New Year
