h5p not working on my Moodle Site
Submitted by hennastysha on Wed, 12/16/2020 - 05:39
my h5p content that i created here on h5p.com is not working on my MoodleSite. I've downloaded the h5p file that needs to be on my Moodlesit. The message that came out was "The version of the H5P library H5P.Column used in this content is not valid. Content contains H5P.Column 1.12, but it should be H5P.Column 1.13."
Can somebody assist me with this? Embedding the h5p to my MoodleSite works but I only have 23 days for free trial. I dont think i;'ll be able to use the embedded version of the h5p file once my free trial is up.
Wed, 12/16/2020 - 18:02
Hi hennastysha,Would you mind
Hi hennastysha,
Would you mind attaching the content here. I tried uploading a content into Moodle that I downloaded from H5P.com and everything worked. Also can you provide the version of Moodle that you are using.
Wed, 12/16/2020 - 23:22
Hi BV, Thank you for getting
Hi BV, Thank you for getting back to me. I've attached my h5p content in this msg. My Moodle version is 3.9.2 LMS.
Thu, 12/17/2020 - 17:26
Hi Hennastysha,By any chance
Hi Hennastysha,
By any chance you are using the Moodle core integration of H5P instead of the H5P plugin. I'm suspecting that the Moodle core integration is using a different version and unlike the plugin which updates automatically when you are uploading a content that is a newer version.
Thu, 12/17/2020 - 21:57
Hi BV,Sorry I do not
Hi BV,
Sorry I do not understand. I dont have a Moodle desktop, I edit everything using the Moodlesite. What can I do to solve this issue now? Is creating a content on h5p.org and h5p.com the same? How can I make the h5p content work? Do I have to install something on my site?
Thank you for your big help.
Thu, 12/17/2020 - 23:30
Hi Hennastysha,Creating
Hi Hennastysha,
Creating contents in H5P.org and H5P.com are pretty much the same except that there are less content types in H5P.org and it changes from time to time. I suggest that you install the plugin if haven't yet.