YouTube disclaimer blocking interactivity

Some videos from YouTube now come with an age-restricted warning (medical/nursing/midwifery in particular) which forces the user to watch the original video on the YouTube website. This prevents the user from using the interactivity in the video altogether. Are you aware of this and can your team suggest a workaround?

Message - "This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube." "Learn more" " Watch on YouTube"

Example video -



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BV52's picture

Hi kakav,

Thank you for bringing this up. I will check with the H5P core team but it is highly unlikely that they will make any changes since this is a Youtube policy.


BV52's picture

Hi kakav,

I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. The H5P core team said that because Interactive Video uses the API that Youtube provides there is no way of "fixing" the issue. I would suggest that if you own the video to upload it in the content directly.