
Colin D's picture

I have created an h5p for matching images with text and audio. I modified the image pairing content type to achieve this. We will be using this new content type for language learning purposes. I thought it might be useful for others too.

Below is a screenshot of the output.

Output view

Here is a screenshot of the authoring form.

Feel free to use this code as you see fit, and I will do my best to fix any issues found.


H5P file: 
BV52's picture

Hi Colin,

This is really cool! Thank you for sharing it.


Hi Colin,

I've been playing around with your audio matching game. One alternative that I think would be useful is having the audio on images rather than the words (for learning to read a word, if that makes sense).

To try this, I reversed the code in h5p-match-pairs-card.js. Everything looks like it is working, however there is no way to click on the play button. (The exception is that if you click a word, you can then click the play button, but that is not ideal). I wonder what else needs to be changed to make the play button clickable on the images.

Here is the code I reversed, but there must be something else that prevents the images and the play button from being clickable. 


      if (textCard == true) {

        //we add the image & audio


        audio = new Audio(audioPath);

        if (audioPath !== undefined) {

          console.log('going to add audio play button');

          //create the card

        self.$card = $('<li class="h5p-match-pairs-item">' +

        '<div class="image-container">' +

        '<img src="' + path + '" style="width:' +

        width + ';height:' + height + '"/>' +

        '<div class="h5p-match-pairs-overlay"></div>' +

        '</div>' +

        '<div class="playButton"><button class="audio_button" style="z-index: 9; position: absolute;" onclick="var audio = new Audio(\'' + audioPath + '\'); audio.play()"></button></div></li>').appendTo($container);

        } else {

// if no audio then image only

self.$card = $('<li class="h5p-match-pairs-item">' +

        '<div class="image-container">' +

        '<img src="' + path + '" style="width:' +

        width + ';height:' + height + '"/>' +

        '<div class="h5p-match-pairs-overlay"></div>' +

        '</div>' +



      } else {

//make a text-only card

console.log('no audio play button');

self.$card = $('<li class="h5p-match-pairs-item">' +

        '<div class="image-container"><div class="associated-text">' + alt +

        '</div><div class="h5p-match-pairs-overlay"></div>' +

        '</div>' +



Why cant I add this file? It says that I need libary: H5P.MatchPairs 1.0

What is that?

BV52's picture

Hi jona695x,

Which platform are you uploading the file? If it is H5P.com you cannot upload an H5P content that is not available there because it does not allow installations of new libraries.