Dictation Audio Source URL - Worpdress


May I know where can I host the audio so it is accepted in H5P? I have tried link from google drive and dropbox but it does not work. 

Thank you. 

Content types: 
otacke's picture

Hi pagna!

You can host it anywhere you like as long as you can provide a direct link to an audio file (e.g. with the extension .mp3 or .wav), not some intermediate site/service that hosts the file or forwards to it.



Understood. I will try. Thank you. 

Dear Olvier, 

I tried this: https://{site.come}/testing/this%20is%20not%20acceptable.mp3 in dictation > sound sample but the mp3 doesn't play. 

Could you advise?

Thank you for your help. 

otacke's picture

Hi Pagna!

Have you clicked your link yourself? Try saving the file without the space symbols ...


Hi again Oliver, 

Well, after posting the link for you, I actually tried changing the naming that's why you couldn't click through. But here it is, and the link does play on chrome browser. Still, I can't put it on dictation. https://edniche.me/testing/acceptable.mp3



otacke's picture

Hi Pagna!

Hmm, it works ... https://h5p.org/node/1012583

Are you receiving any errors in the browser's development console?


Hi again Oliver, :D

It didn't work because I save the content without putting the answer. Everything is fine now. Sorry to bother and thanks. 

Have a great day! 