Not Accepting .VTT caption files

  1. Using Image Hotspot content type and attempting to add a .vtt caption file and to the Track file (WebVTT) of a video. After adding the WebVTT file, it errors out - "File type isn't allowed". Will not accept ANY caption files.
  2. Drupal
  3. Desktop
  4. Chrome, Firefox
  5. Image Hotspots (1.8.2)
BV52's picture


I just tried this and confirmed that this is related to this bug report. However there is a workaound by changing the file extension from upper case to lower case.


The workaround does not fix the issue. Thank you.

BV52's picture


Since VTT files are not allowed in the forums would you mind uploading it in a file sharing site and provide us the link so that we can check.


BV52's picture


I was able to upload the file here. Can you check if you have any errors in the browser console, it's a longshot but maybe it can give us clues to what is causing this issue on your side.


BV52's picture


I can definitely see the issue on your side but since I am unable to reproduce it there's really not much we have to work with. If you can double check the browser console for errors. If you could also provide the platform and version number (Drupal, Moodle or Wordpress) as well as the version of the H5P plugin I can check on a similar system.


H5P is version 8.x-1.0-rc17

BV52's picture


I finally was able to reproduce the issue and filed a bug report here.


Thank you.


Even we are facing this issue. It would be real help if an editor is able to upload a .vtt file.

Is this 2019 bug still not fixed




Hi Kevin, BV,


Thanks for the hack. It worked.

Also, found out that .vtt was not whitelisted in our drupal. Now even .vtt is accepted for me :)



I have come up with a hack about 3 weeks ago that seems to work for us based on our version of Drupal.

Here is the video I recorded to help anyone else that is experiencing the issue we were facing.

Sorry the previous video link did not work. This one should:

BV52's picture

Hi Kevin,

Thank you so much for sharing. Who knew that it would be as simple as having the file extension in .txt :-)