h5p-resizer.js stopped working in FireFox


We've just noticed the h5p-resizer.js has stopped working in FireFox. It still works fine in all chromium browsers.  Has anyone else experienced this? if so, have you found a fix?

 See attached screen shot.

otacke's picture

What does the developer console tell you?

I've included a screen shot of the Chrome and Firefox console output.

See attached.


Trying again... (maybe the post needs to be vetted?)

I've attached a screenshot of Chrome's and Firefox's console outputs.  Nothing telling there.

See attached.

otacke's picture

Hi Shane!

Can't reproduce this one (embedding from the latest H5P version on WordPress using Firefox 79.0). Could you please share more details? Platform, what the network tab of the developer console is saying about loading h5p-resizer.js, what the page's HTML looks like etc.?


I'm using a very simple HTML page running on a local HTTP server for testing purposes. I wanted to break it down to the basics so I can get a better idea of what's happening. 

The problem was origionally discovered in Brightspace--the LMS we use.  We have H5P installed using Moodle and embed the content in Brightspace using <iframes>.

Sample HTML markup I used to test outside Brightspace:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>H5P Resizer Test</title>
<iframe id="h5p-iFrame" src="https://h5p.cdli.ca/mod/hvp/embed.php?id=161" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script src="https://h5p.org/sites/all/modules/h5p/library/js/h5p-resizer.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>

This issue is recent... within in the last couple/3 weeks.  Probably since Firefox ver. 79.0 was released.

As you can see, we use the h5p-resizer.js from the h5p.org site instead of the one included with our H5P install.  I tested using the h5p-resizer.js from our local h5p moodle install with the same results.

See attached image of network tab output.



otacke's picture

I don't see anything wrong with the code, and it doesn't matter where you load the resizer script from (although it's kind of weird relying on h5p.org). You could set a breakpoint in the developer console to check whether it's running and reacting to calls from the Window and the content.

Can't spot any problem with Firefox 79.0 using a WordPress system, so I can only assume the problem might be linked to something going on on the moodle server - pure speculation though.

Upgrading to H5P's Moodle version 1.21.0 from version 1.20.2 is the issue.  It breaks the h5p-resizer script.  We reverted our development server back to 1.20.2 and it fixed the issue. We're currently unable to do so for our production server, though, as it breaks the content we currently have deployed.

Not sure if the Developers are aware of this, and if there's a fix in the works? Should I start a new thread to highlight the issue/bug more percicely?

otacke's picture

Hi Shane!

Giving more details would probably help the H5P core team :-)

