Quiz answers not being saved when user exits the presentation

Hi all,

I have several presentations which include drag and drop or interactive videos. I thought that when the user hits the 'check' button that the answer would be saved when they are in the presentation, and if they need to leave and comes back, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Is there a way to save correct answers to questions in case the student leaves and returns? Some of my students have done the same module 5-6 times.

Thanks :)


BV52's picture

Hi Leticia,

You need to enable the "save content state" in the H5P settings so that answers are saved. Please note that not all content types supports this feature.


Hi BV,

I have checked the box for "save content state" in the settings. Is the drag and drop in presentations one of the content types that don't support this?


BV52's picture

Hi Leticia,

Drag and Drop supports "save content state".


Hi BV52, Can you please, guide where do I activate the "save content state" option?

BV52's picture

Hi Mattia,

Which platform are you using? Moodle, Wordpress, Drupal or something else?


How can this be done on Moodle?

How can this be done on Moodle?

otacke's picture

If you are using the H5P plugin for moodle (has a black H5P icon), then you can activate the "save content state" option in the plugin's settings. If you're using the H5P integration that the moodle team created (the one with the blue icon using the content bank), then to the best of my knowledge that feature is missing.