Add more questions in the same activity


I work with H5P in Moodle but when I add an activity, for example, true or false, it is only possible to have one question in this activity. How can I add more in the same activity instead of creating a new one?

Thanks a lot. 

icc's picture


By using the Quiz (Question Set) content type you should be able to combine different questions into a set for one activity.

Just let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you very much. This is perfect for us :)

Hola. quería saber si es posible agregar a una actividad, las preguntas que ya tengo en el aula de Moodle. o en Exelerning. Se puede importar preguntas? en que formato? xhtml? moodleXML?

muchas gracias

Hola. quería saber si es posible agregar a una actividad, las preguntas que ya tengo en el aula de Moodle. o en Exelerning. Se puede importar preguntas? en que formato? xhtml? moodleXML?

muchas gracias

Es posible importar preguntas de moodle o de exelerning?

BV52's picture

Hi psuarez,

I'm afraid this is not possible. When exporting H5P contents it exports as an H5P file, you can only upload this inside the H5P HUB that comes with the plugin in Moodle.