interactive video basics, just stop and on click go on
Submitted by ilfungo on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 18:10
Hi I am new in H5P and I have a probably silly question, but however... I have a need to monitor the student watch a full video and I need to avoid the student to get up and smoke a cigarette while the video will go on. Then my idea is just to put an interaction that say: "go on", you click on it and the video will go on. For that I choose the single choice set. However when I click on go on it open another window (image). How can I avoid so?
Another issue is can I remove the "youtube logo"?
Tue, 06/30/2020 - 15:05
Hi ilfungo!All H5P
Hi ilfungo!
All H5P interactions run in pop-ups on top of the video. If you just want a button that needs to be clicked on, you can use an image combined with a navigation hotspot.
Even if it was technically possible to remove the YouTube logo, you would violate their terms of services. There's no such thing as free lunch.
Tue, 06/30/2020 - 15:19
Perfetc will try with the
Perfetc will try with the image and navigation hotspot combination!
thanks Federico