Adding audio to interactive video


I am looking to create an interactive video that incorporates multiple-choice questions, true and false, and other interactive questions. Is there a way to record audio so that the questions are read to the viewer? I am aiming this at young children who will likely need assistance reading the questions. 


Thank you!

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BV52's picture

Hi Chels1922,

I'm afraid this is not possible within Interactive Video. However you can try using Course Presentation or Column to combine audio with Interactive Video.


Hi BV, 

Thanks for your quick response! I know within the course presention you can add multiple choice questions and video, but can I add an interactive video that I have already created to my course presentation? The goal would be to have the cousre presentation incorporate the voice over for the interactive questions, but to also include an interactive video with its own interactive components. 

Thank you!

BV52's picture

Hi Chels1922,

You're in luck! Yes you can, when editing the Interactive Video there should be a button at the top right that is labeled 'copy'. This will copy the IV and Course Presentation there is a paste button this is the right most icon in the activities picker. A word of caution make sure that you use the paste icon within the activity picker not the one at the top that says 'Paste & Replace'.



Thanks for all of your help, it is greatly appreciated! In the course presentation tutorial there are audio clips and below the audio clips are buttons that allow the viewer to select the correct audio clip. How can I add these buttons to my audio clips so viewers can select the correct clip?

Thanks again! 

BV52's picture

Hi Chels1922,

If you are pertaining to the France activity specifically regarding their national anthem, the button is not really a button. Those are text with a go to slide object on top of it. The go to slides are configured to go to the correct slide (which is the next one) and the wrong slide (slide 2 if my memory serves me right). Additional tip if the author has enabled the reuse/download button you can just download their content and upload into your system so that you can check how they created it.