Dialog cards, no audio in Chrome

Moodle 3.6 , H5P Dialog cards - i imported the example from h5p with blueberries (attached), the audio does not play in Chorme, plays in Firefox.

The audio also does not play on h5p example page in Chrome https://h5p.org/tutorial-dialog-cards


Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi RekhaL,

The sample content plays normally on my end. There is a possibility that there is a plugin that may be blocking audio from playing in H5Ps.


FIXED: Chrome had an Addon which was blocking

"Disable HTML5 Autoplay

Disables autoplay of all HTML5 audio and video"


H5P rocks!

BV52's picture

Hi RekhaL,

I'm glad it is working now, if you have any other concerns feel free to post in the forums.