H5P as test plattform for students integrated in moodle

Hi everybody!

I'm very impressed by the capabilities of H5P and the great templates that already exist. So I'm trying to use it as a comfortable and pleasing way for my students to have some small tests during the semester. The "Quiz" where I choose drag&drop as well as multiple choice are more or less already quite good for my planned tasks. 

One additional test type I'd really appreciate would be to calculate some kind of calculation task. As they are longer tasks, there might be some rounding errors (or different result precissions). So I would like to set the correct solution with a 5% tolerance to be correct. Is there any way for that?

My goal is to have a rated test with e.g. 4 different questions. All my student take the test at a predefined time with a predefined duration. Let's say it's today starting at 1pm, ending at 1.15pm. Outside of this time, the questions are not viewable and can not be worked on. Further, the students can not see whether their answers were correct or what the correct answers are (else there could be 1 Student which just clicks through and informs all others about the correct answers). At the end of the timespan, the students can see their result. At the same time, an automated evaluation per student over the complete Test (>60% = passed, else failed - already existing) is stored in some kind of list for me so I can keep track over several tests.

Has anybody already has some kind of solution approach for any of the points?


Thank you very much for any kind of tips on anything of this!

Best regards,



Best regards and thank you very much for any kind of help!





Tolerance in correct answer for numeric problems, Test with defineable starting time and duration
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BV52's picture

Hi Daniel,

First of all time duration will not be possible since no content types have this feature. It might take another plugin might to get this done.

For the tolerance level and not showing the result needs to be added as a new feature for a content type. I think these features would be a good addition to the contents. Having said this I haved moved your post to the feature request forum.