Library update constantly failed

Hello. I provide support os Moodle server which use H5P and hosted at Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service in CHINA
Repeatedly I faced problems with updating of libraries, especially largest, like Course Presentation. Upgrading process every time being interupted (timeout every time 300000 milisec, datasize -  slightly different):
All recommended on this forum timeout / upload settings are already adjusted:
I know about possible problems with the Great Firewall. And yes, site access relatively slow. But first installation of H5P components passed.
So is it available any way to update libraries, especially - Course Presentation (not available on to create h5p file for manual update) ?

BV52's picture

Hi Andrii,

Have you tried downloading the sample contents and uploading them into Moodle. If successful this should update the libraries of Course Presentation.


Will ask to assist staff from China. I cannot upload nothing more than 1MB from outside.
But which side terminate connection on regular update? Settings on china's server allow longer  connection - as of php settings I shown? 

BV52's picture

Hi Andrii,

You php settings looks ok, I suspect it's a connection issue.