Interactive Scenario question - one movie or many?
Submitted by ronh5p on Tue, 11/26/2019 - 00:18
Hello All:
Re the interactive scenarios (beta) - is it possible to have one long movie with questions interspersed through the movie, then you go to various times in the movie and run the sequence from time A to B.... or is H5P built to use many small movies with questions after each one, branching to the next one?
Thank you.
Tue, 11/26/2019 - 18:26
Hi Ron,The Branaching
Hi Ron,
The Branaching Scenario in most cases uses multiple small clips. Although with your description of how you would like to present your activity Interactive Video fits the bill. The second sample content on this link is very similar to how you described your scenario.
Sat, 04/11/2020 - 00:20
Using the files created
Thanks for your response... can I ask... if we were to use the interactive scenarios to create multiple paths through a situation using videos, does the code have to run off your website, or can we download what we've created and embed it in our html files? The supply chain is getting long, a failure anywhere can break it, I'd prefer everything to be 'in house'. Thank you.
Mon, 04/13/2020 - 18:43
Hi Ron,If you are using the
Hi Ron,
If you are using the plugin you are basically running the content within your own system. The only time it actually contacts H5Ps server is when it is checking for updates.