Grading of an interactive video in Moodle

ianrhile's picture

I have some questions about how interactive videos are scored in Moodle:

  • If the student changes a response or watches the video again, are the grades re-recorded? Do their previous answers stay recorded if they re-watch the video? Can they look at the questions again for practice?
  • If the number of points in the presentation exceeds the "maximum grade" setting, what is recorded?


Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi ianrhile,

1. This depends if you have enabled the "save content state". If so students can watch the video again but cannot answer the questions since they will show as answered. This way they can review their scores/answers. If the option is disabled, the score for the activity gets overwritten every time the student goes through the video.

2. I did a bit of testing and here is what I found out. I created a content with 5 questions: 

Maximum score 1

5/5 = 1

4/5 = 0

3/5 = 0

2/5 = 0

1/5 = 0

0/5 = 0

Maximum score 2

5/5 = 2

4/5 = 1

3/5 = 0

2/5 = 0

1/5 = 0

0/5 = 0

Maximum score 3

5/5 = 3

4/5 = 2

3/5 = 1

2/5 = 0

1/5 = 0

0/5 = 0

You will notice that the number of correct answers is not what matters in how Moodle handles the score. It accounts for how many incorrect answers. From my test it looks like Moodle alots the maximum score at the start of the activity and deducts 1 point for every incorrect answer.


Where can I find this setting?

BV52's picture

Hi bobkee,

It depends which plugin you are using:

  1. Wordpress - Setting-> H5P
  2. Moodle - System Administration -> Plugins - H5P settings
  3. Drupal - Modules -> H5P -> Configure


ianrhile's picture

Ah, OK. Weird. I was hoping to give the same number of Moodle points per video and use a percentage of the H5P-points they earned time the max points as those Moodle points. That's possible with Moodle's weighting schemes. I'd rather not do that because it's hard to articulate that to students in a way they understand that (students almost never understand the weighting), and I have to go and re-count the H5P points for each presentation, but I don't see any way around it. (If I use the raw H5P points such that other course components can be added to them directly, I'd have to rescale the other components.) 

I guess I can figure that out. It still would be nice to just have h5p report the give Moodle points as the max-Moodle points times the percentage of the total H5P-points assigned for video, and I think more intuitive.  

BV52's picture