Nothing visible


I've installed, with success I think the H5P plugin on my site ""

But I am not able to view the content in made in admin panel

when I check the console I see the following errors

"unable to find constructor for: H5P.MarkTheWords 1.9"

"uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined h5p"

this is not happening on all but on some link on Mark the words, Drag the words

The H5P plugin is 1.15.0 

If anyone could help me, it would be great. This plugin seems amazing !

BV52's picture

Hi Npole,

Can you try uploading the sample contents and see if they will show up.


Hi BV52,

I have tried uploading sample contents too but its same, this error is only coming in some like in Mark the words, Drag the words
