H5P Lesson Planner

Hey everyone,

It has dawned on me, as I am trying to create a most excellent sequence of activities for a forthcoming course, that all these inumerable possibilities and crossovers at some point become a little difficult to organize and compare. So I thought, "Wouldn'it it be wonderful, if from h5p I could set up a mock flow or sequence of activities to give me an overview of the whole and then compare?"

I would imagine it to be composed of a few introductory fields such as Topic, Unit, Lesson Objectives, and Level, and then the Structure would be like a long questionaire where we'd select our 1st h5p activity and then go on to the next one. If an activity contains others (column, h5p), select sub-sections and activity. Enabling a short comment field would be brilliant of course, and then generating an outline, even as a jpeg or export. If the outline included information like wmv, mp3 for audio files it would also be interesting from a preparatory perspective, a bit like taking out the ingredients and appliances needed to great a Magnificent H5P Opus. And no need for an LTI or or whatever, please.

In short, the course author(s) would use an h5p lesson planner to create and generate a learning sequence before creating it. This would give authors an overview of a complex project and help them organize additional resources, such as images, audio files, links, etc. beforehand. 



Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi Maude,

Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! With the H5P supporter program the H5P community can now vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then work on a feature they find interesting or useful.

Personally I think this is a great idea! This gets a big thumbs up ;-)


Thanks BV, makes my day!

jurre's picture

Great idea, i just voted for it.