interactive transcript

having an interactive transcript would be a great addition. 

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture


Can please elaborate your request.  In order for your feature request to attract as much interest as possible make sure it follows the below guidelines:


  1. It is clear from every perspective how the feature will work. We recommend describing the feature with one or more user stories, for instance “As an author I want it to be possible to pick between different effects for the check answer animation so that the learners will see a variety of effects and also I can adapt the effects to my target audience(I’ll be using pink unicorns which works really well for both my target audience which are 4 year old girls and venture capitalists)”

  2. If the feature can be illustrated with images or videos it always helps

  3. Make it clear what content types this is relevant for, and or if this is a new content type



Thanks for the reply. Yes to elaborate, i mean an external interactive transcript (vtt) for video like you see on youtube, edex, coursera, or This is a great learning tool for languages and in general. Able player has a solution but i havent found it to be so friendly in wordpress. 

BV52's picture


Interactive Video let's you add a VTT file and interactions. Is this not what you are looking for?


Hi, I think what the guy above was trying to get at is interactive scripts where you can search for certain words in the script and click on those words, skipping the video to the point where the word shows up. I am also trying to implement this in a project and was wondering if H5P does actually support this or not, and if there are indeed ways to integrate this?

BV52's picture

Hi nabsers,

Thank you for the explanation.

I'm afraid this is feature is not available but since H5P is open source anyone in the community can make the changes.


otacke's picture


It's on my pile ...



BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

Thanks I'll take note of this.


otacke's picture


It's one of the things that I'd like to have myself, so I'll tackle that one rather sooner than later :-)



Cheers guys, this'll be a nice one to have!

I would also love to see this feature. Fingers crossed!

I can help with tests and translations

That sounds really interesting! Otake, by the way, any more h5p projects on crowdfunding?

otacke's picture

Hi maude!

There are a couple of things in the pipeline just waiting for review by the H5P core team, including several improvements to existing stuff and one new content type that I have not revealed on the internet, just shown briefly at a BarCamp in Germany this weekend :-) Keeping something up my sleeve for the conference, just in case there's a slot for one more surprise. And, um, maybe there's going to be "just one more thing" ;-)



simon9972's picture


I was just wondering if you have had the chance to make any progress with the interactive transcript. There seems to be a big hole in the market for this if my Google search is anything to go by! It would be an awesome addition to H5P!


otacke's picture

Hi Simon!

No, I have not found free time yet, and sponsors are giving higher priority to other features.




You are indeed a master of suspense. Already looking forward to it!! 



otacke's picture

Hi Maude!

I don't have a middle name, but feel free to call me Alfred ;-)




I'll remember that! 

Hello all,

I am looking for a way to use forced alignment in an H5P and wonder if this could be the right thread to enter.

I would like to be able to upload a text and audio file and when user hits 'play', the text auto highlights like a readalong audiobook. A user could select a word and have the audio go directly to that point.

I have been researching the Aeneas project and others listed at this page:

but I would dearly love to be able to upload audio and text into an H5P an have interactive text/audio playback

I have attached a file showing forced aligned text (by sentence not word) so you can see how the timecode works

Also here is a link to page where I uploaded mp3 and text file and it did it automatically. I can then download the files on hte top right of the screen. Perhaps this is more adaptable to h5p?

Hello H5P team, 

I hope you are all staying safe and well. Just wondering if there is any new of how or when interactive transcript might appear? 
it would be so very useful in teaching langauges and also reading skills to children and people with reading challenges such as dyslexia.

If the H5P user uploads an mp3 file plus transcript, plus the time codes for the audio/script synchronisation, could magical H5P do the rest? 

here are some links that may be helpful

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that H5P will be able to offer this soon. In the meantime, thank you all for everything. H5P is fantastic :)


I am currently researching adding automatic and manual video transcription with scrolling captions, as well as a table of contents, and viewer bookmarking/notetaking capabilities similar to that seen in udemy, linkedinlearning, and the learnworlds platform - I also second that ableplayer looks very promising as a potential integration. These features are nearly standard on the mentioned platforms and are highly desireable for the wordpress-based LMS community to be used in combination with the LearnDash and LifterLMS platforms, many of whom already use H5P as you may know. I have read in several places on the H5P community forums that there is a feature request and funding system in place and I would like to know where I can find those and if you know if there are feature request pages for any of the above already. I am very confident that I can round up some support if that's what's holding these necessary developments back!

I've been looking for a solution for a while with no joy! If I could develop I'd build it myself! If I can help move this forward in any way, let me know.

otacke's picture

This post comes a little late, but in 2022, I published H5P.Transcript. It is not the ideal solution, as it made more sense to add the functionality to H5P.Video. But because it is impossible to learn when pull requests would be tackled and the result released by H5P Group, implementing a suggestion there was not an option for the sponsor.

Try H5P.Transcript out yourself!