Retry button in quiz (question set)

When you create a new quiz (question set) you can set  in Behavioural settings if "Retry" button should be shown or not (Enable "Retry" button) for every question

Also you can set general settings in the section "Settings for "Check", "Show solution" and "Retry" at quiz level. From here you can override "Retry" button and this option determines if the "Retry" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.

The problem is even if you disable "Retry" button at question level for every question in the quiz and you Override "Retry" button as disabled also, "Retry" button is shown to the user..





otacke's picture

Hi Jose!

That option has been added already, but the update has not yet been released.


jmosteiro's picture

Sorry, maybe this is not the right place to add it, but couldn't see the release plan for this feature, is there any expected date for this?

jmosteiro's picture

Hello, maybe this is not the right place to add it, but I couldn't find info about release date. Do you have any expected date for this feature?



BV52's picture

Hi Joserra,

I can't say exactly when since we normally release updates in batches. However since this change has been merged into the master branch it wouln't take too long before it is released.


Do we have data for this?


Any new about this release? Do we have date?


jmosteiro's picture


maybe you can add more information about when is going to be released, can't find information about it, thanks a lot in advance,

Any new about this issue? Do we have date for releasing?


BV52's picture

Hi Everyone,

This new feature was released on July 15th. Just update the library for Quiz (Question Set) and should show the new features. You can also check the Release Overview page for other updates.


Good morning, in relation to the comments made by Jose Martín and Joserra, after trying to update the Quiz (QuestionSet) library, we find the following error. Apparently related to the version of the H5p plugin. Keep in mind that we use the wordpress plugin with version 1.13.1

Good morning, in relation to the comments made by Jose Martín and Joserra, after trying to update the Quiz (QuestionSet) library, we find the following error. Apparently related to the version of the H5p plugin. Keep in mind that we use the wordpress plugin with version 1.13.1
otacke's picture

Hi resignado!

H5P is not only a plugin for WordPress, but for other systems, too. That's why it's telling you the version number of H5P core. Version 1.23 is found in the latest WordPress plugin version (1.14).


Good morning, in relation to the comments made by Jose Martín and Joserra, after trying to update the Quiz (QuestionSet) library, we find the following error. Apparently related to the version of the H5p plugin. Keep in mind that we use the wordpress plugin with version 1.13.1