Scoring problem in Branching Scenarios
I created a branching scenario (and another test scenario to see if I could get it to work) and I cannot figure out how to track the scoring from my quizzes. Under results, it provides me the user ID and the time, but the scores all state zero. I think this is only a problem when using branching scenarios.
I made a test quiz with course presentation and it worked fine. I was able to see the user ID and the score.
In the branching scenario, I tried changing the settings to score dynamically and static, but that didn't make a change. I also have the test questions in the branching scenarios in the course presentation format and it still didn't work. I created a screen recording demonstrating the problem.
I've got a few weird things going on that I will share later as well, but this one seems most pressing at present.
Wed, 07/31/2019 - 18:23
Hi Sean,Sorry for the late
Hi Sean,
Sorry for the late response.
You need to manually add the points in every content. To do this open the content in edit mode (in your case Course Presentation), go to Branching Options -> Feedback place points under "Score for this Scenario".
Thu, 08/15/2019 - 20:39
Hi. I have a similar problem.
Hi. I have a similar problem. I have entered a grade for the end of the branching scenario. H5P is not reporting a score to Moodle (version 3.7). Students see that they have 100/100, but the score is not passed back to the Moodle gradebook.
Mon, 08/19/2019 - 18:31
Hi Troy,Would you mind
Hi Troy,
Would you mind providing a sample content here (preferably a short one) which you confirmed that doesn't send scores to Moodle gradebook.
Mon, 08/19/2019 - 19:17
Here is the real world example that we've tried to implement. (I'll try to create a shorter one for you as well).
I can't upload the file as it is a Moodle back-up. Here is a downloadable Moodle back up of just the Branching Activity.
Mon, 08/19/2019 - 19:42
Example of scoring
Hi. Here is an example of the H5P Branching scenario that we have created. We can't get the score to flow to the Moodle gradebook. (Users do see their score). I'll also try to work on a really short version to share as well.
Mon, 08/19/2019 - 19:54
Another Example
Here is another example (a much shorter one with "correct" answers noted in the question).
This one has a Single Choice Set and a Summary page. Students can complete this and get a score of 10/10, but no score is being reported to Moodle.
Any help is greatly appreciated. The Branching Scenario is very easy to use, but we do need the scoring (activity completion really) to flow back to Moodle.
Thanks again.
Tue, 08/20/2019 - 18:40
Hi Troy,Thank you for the
Hi Troy,
Thank you for the sample contents. I checked your settings and all seems to be in place and after testing the scores and results were captured in the Gradebook. Can you try adding this in a test course with only default settings. I attached screenshots of my activity settings for your reference.
Wed, 08/21/2019 - 17:13
I've tried the supplied
I've tried the supplied branching activity on 2 different installs and each time it fails to put a grade in the Moodle gradebook. It displays a score at the very end of the branching activity but the return to course button takes the user back to the beginning of the branching activity and does not return them to the main course page.
Mon, 10/07/2019 - 10:06
Scoring problem in branching scenario: incorrect totals
I really like the new branching scenario activity and have created a scenario for a training course we are working on. The format is along similar lines to the "Art of Europe" branching scenario example shown on your site. We are using Branching scenario (beta) 1.0.10 and Branching scenario editor 1.0.6 on a Moodle platform (version 3.5).
I have a similar problem to [email protected] of the dynamic scoring function not working within my branching scenario. There are 3 main branches of content, each with 2 sub-branches and there are several questions the student has to answer within each branch . The maximum score achievable by students across all six branches is 27 points. I have manually added the scores to each content that contains questions (course presentations in my case) as you advised [email protected], but the totals are still added up incorrectly when they are displayed on the end scenario page. If I answer all questions correctly, the final score shown on the end scenario page appears as 27/12. (This error occurs on both the Firefox and Chrome browsers).
I have noticed that this error also occurs in your "Art of Europe" example on (again on both Firefox and Chrome). I tested out this example scenario and worked my way through each slide. As far as I could see, there was only 1 question to answer (the other slides just contain written content to read), but at the end of the course my score came out several times as 40/20.
It would be great if this problem could be resolved so the students get an overview of their score at the end.
Mon, 10/07/2019 - 22:43
Hi simpsonang!Of course, bugs
Hi simpsonang!
Of course, bugs will be purged eventually. But as you pointed out yourself, Branching Scenario is still labeled as a beta version, so it's kind of a "use it productively at your own risk" situation.
Thu, 06/11/2020 - 12:38
H5P scoring
Is it possible for the moment to overcome the scoring problem by using H5P content inside Moodle lesson?
Thu, 06/11/2020 - 20:22
Hi Kim-Edmonds!No. The host
Hi Kim-Edmonds!
No. The host platform doesn't change the behavior of scoring inside content types.
Fri, 06/12/2020 - 12:34
Using Moodle lesson to avoid scoring problems
Sorry - I didn't explain that clearly. I wondered if anyone was putting H5P content into Moodle Lesson - which has the same sort of branching structure - to deal with scoring problems until the branching issues are sorted in H5P
Fri, 06/12/2020 - 12:38
Using Moodle lesson to avoid scoring problems
Sorry, I didn't explain that well. I meant has anyone tried using Moodle lesson, which has the same kind of branching approach, with H5P content instead of using H5P branching as a way of managing scoring from task to task, until teh brancing/scoring problems are sorted in H5P?
I think the H5P stuf fis brillian, by the way!
Sat, 10/10/2020 - 08:49
Branching Score Dynamically Calculate Score from user answer"
I set the scoring options to "Dynamically calculate score from user answers" and when I preview the file, I received the following message "page unresponsive" and also "error code:result_code_hung". Will appreciate if anyone who has the same experience can share how to resolve this.
Wed, 03/31/2021 - 16:12
Wed, 06/16/2021 - 12:19
Scoring problem within the H5P activities
I really like the branching scenario (I use the beta version in eduvidual); however, I cannot add any points that student's have to get for the H5P course presentation to move on and there are no other H5p content types in my version. So they can acutally click through without answering correctly and when they reach the end scenario they'll get the points anyway. I thought hat they have to reach certain points in the H5P to move on in the branching scenario. Maybe you could help me. Is there a full version for edivudual (the school moodle)? Thank you very much!
Wed, 06/16/2021 - 19:33
Hi Tink,The Branching
Hi Tink,
The Branching Scenario have 2 ways of scoring:
Unfortunately Branching Scenario does not take into account the answers within the contents with regards to scoring.
Fri, 08/13/2021 - 05:12
Use of negative scoring in branching questions
Hi All
I'm fairly happy with the scoring and its settings, dynamic and static, they seem logical and give the results wanted and expected. However, it would be useful if negative points could be used. The use case is that of a large branch of 6-7 choices, with only 1 correct answer. All the other answers are deadend text fields that send the user back the original branch. The idea is that each time they chose a wrong answer, they would get points taken off. So negative points for guessing wrong answers, then when they chose the correct answer they will get less than those who chose the correct answer first.
for example, if each wrong answer was -2 and the correct 15. Then the max is 15 if you chose the correct answer first, but if you chose 3 wrong answers before you got to the right, then you would only get 9 points.
Is there anyway we can add or have negative points for choices?
Fri, 08/13/2021 - 06:38
branching report does not show scores for branch choice points
Using branching we give points per choice of branch. so for example if 3 in the branch 5 10 15. There is no way of setting the correct answer, or the best. In moodle in the report it is very confusing as despite giving the points for taking the branch, at always says its wrong and nver show the score you got for making that choice
Where as for an activity like an MCQ it does it very well
not sure if this is a bug or oversight. But the students will be wondering how they got their marks