H5P uploads directory

Mitt94's picture

Hello everyone , my question is I have 10 subscriber in my wordpress website who can create h5p content, is there any way to store content created by each user seperately so, only user who created the h5p content can only see the content created by him not by other 9 users.current scenario is

1. user 1 creates an h5p content (ex. arithmatic quiz)

2. user 2 creates an h5p content (ex. interactive video)

3.user 3 can view both arithmetic quiz and interactive video . I want that user can only see content which is created by him and should not see h5p content created by other users. 

BV52's picture

Hi Mitt94,

This is not possible since the plugin does not have any code that recognizes users in WP. This however is possible by using H5P.com.


Mitt94's picture

Is this thing possible with moodle or drupal.

BV52's picture

Hi Mitt94,

I'm sorry it's the same with Moodle or Drupal. The plugins for all three frameworks have the same features or in this case the lack of it.


You can do that in Moodle because it has got a very fine-grained rights management.

First you have to create an empty H5P-activiy in Moodle. Then you restrict viewing rights of that activity to a single (or multiple) users. This works with the "Restrict Access" option. In the last step you give the participant to edit the activity by using the "Locally assigned roles" option.

In case a user wants to create another activity, just duplicate the first one.

BV52's picture

Hi mattgig,

Thanks for the input. I forgot about that feature in Moodle.


Mitt94's picture

Thanks a lot #mattgig