Using the "re-use" button

I used to be able to export interactive video, but clicking on the new  option to "reuse" content displays a page of computer-crud

What I see with H5P (download)

Am I doing something wrong?




BV52's picture

Hi B,

Would you mind providing the following:

  1. Any browser console errors
  2. Any PHP errors


otacke's picture

Hi Bruce!

Did you or someone else update your server settings/modify some .htaccess files? This behavior is usually a problem with missing MIME type definitions. Please see



BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

Thank you for the guidance. Now I know why the issue seems familiar. Bookmarked that thread ;-)


Still doesn't work for me, though ;-( after adding the following to htaccess:

<IfModule mod_mime.c>
   AddType application/x-h5p h5p
   AddType application/zip zip h5p
   AddType application/x-zip-compressed h5p

This cross-site error — possibly related, because the h5p object I'm trying to download refs YouTube —   shows up in console: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('') does not match the recipient window's origin ('').

I am also seeing "unabletocopy" errors on localhost, which is where I am trying to re-use the online content I can't re-use :-( I have the latest version of h5p and Interactive Video editor. 

The console error here is:

Uncaught TypeError: H5P.DragNDrop is not a constructor
