word snakes: separate words


Is there anything existing for doing this:

Different words are shown without spaces as a word-snake. Example: thisisawordsnake

The students then have to separate the snake at the right positions and separate the words: this | is | a | word | snake

Thank you!


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BV52's picture

Hi Léo,

The closest I can think of is Drag the Words or Drag and Drop.


otacke's picture

Hi Léo!

There's an update for Dictation pending, but it has not yet been released. It will allow you to add a title to each input field. You could use the compound word into the title and let the students answer. The only caveat: Dictation expects to have one sound sample at least. You'd have to use some dummy sample (e.g.) with a task description.



BV52's picture

That's a better choice why didn't I think of that.

Thanks Oliver

otacke's picture

Hi BV!

That's because nobody can know everything :-) -- and in that particular scenario: I assume you have not seen the upcoming feature yet.

