H5P User Tour keeps popping-up

Hi H5P community,

There is an issue with the user tour that comes with the H5P activity. The rule is that you can exit the tour when you click on the "exit" button on the H5P activity home page. Appranelty, it doesn't work for some people who complain that the user tour keeps popping-up each time they open the same activity even if they cliked on the "exit" button. This situation is really annoying and I personally do not know how to help. 

Your recommendations are highly appreciated. 

Thank you!



user tour keeps popping-up despite it was deisabled
icc's picture

There's an AJAX request that stores on the user if the Tour has been seen or not. Maybe this is failing for some users.
You could try to open the browser's console (Ctrl+Shift+J) and look for any error or inspect the AJAX request in the Network tab when closing the Tour.

Thanks for the reply!