Download for Moodle


I created and interactive Video. Now I would like to download it from the H5p site and upload it on Moodle. 

The only problem is, i can not find the "download" botton. 

Thank you! 


otacke's picture

Hi J!

The button was changed lately and now bears the label "Reuse".



Thank you Oliver, 

I downloaded the content, but now I have a different problem. I hope the picture (it is a screenshot from Moodle) is enough to get some help on how to solve the problem. Thank you! 

otacke's picture

Hi J!

Hmm, the message says that the package that you downloaded is missing libraries that should be inside, if I am not mistaken. I am not sure if that's related to refurbishing the button (shouldn't).

Could you possibly provide the file as an attachment? BV is very good in figuring out what might be wrong or how to find a way around the issue - and he can create a bug report, too, if he can confirm there's a problem.



BV52's picture

Hi J,

The H5P plugin you are using might be an older version. Can you please check and if it is not 1.17 you need to update it for this to work.

Thanks Oliver for translating I was afraid I have to type the error message in Google Translate ;-)



otacke's picture

Hi BV!

Shouldn't the message be different if a later plugin version is required? This one hints to an invalid (corrupted) package, and I think the message would indicate the required core version if the host system isn't up-to-date.

Well, if updating the plugin solves the issue ... :-) 



BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

Yes you are correct. Although in the recent updates this error message comes up when the core files is an older version. I'm not sure but I'm assuming that the plugin throws this error message because the it cannot read the files since there are "missing" codes from the core files that are needed for the newer libraries.

I may be wrong though let's see how it goes.


Hello guys, I am really fascinated by the speed you are responding, I will try all the tips mentioned, and then I will write again,


BV52's picture

Hi J,

If upgrading the plugin does not resolve the issue I suggest that you attach the H5P here. Also please check the browser console for any errors.


Hello, this is the File ... thank you for your help 

H5P file: 
BV52's picture

Hi J,

Sorry for the late reply.

I was able to upload your content without any issues. So I am assuming that the files are not corrupted. Having said this I would suggest that you check for errors in the browser console and if there are any PHP errors.


Thank you, we found thre problem. The Plugin for the "Gallery" was not working. After the update the problem was solved, so it works now. Thank you one more time. 

BV52's picture

Hi J,

I'm glad it is working now if you have any other concerns feel free to post in the forums.
