Updating translations

nadavkav's picture

Hello H5P team,

I am about to revisit the Hebrew translations of libreries that were fully translated in the past, and now I can image are missing some new English translation tokens and strings that were added to the en.json files.

Is there a best practice to merge the new English tokens and strings (en.json) into the old Hebrew translation files (he.json) ? 

Or shoudl I use common code developing tools?

Is there a framework or an internet translation service that allow the community of non developers to be able to help with the translation?



BV52's picture

Hi Nadav,

Thank you for your interest in contributing translations to H5P.

Have you visited this documentation:


It provides instructions on how to translate H5Ps and how to merge it with the H5P libraries.


nadavkav's picture

Hello BV52,

So I understand from your reply that the answer is No, there is no easy why for non developers to translate the libreries.

I suggest H5P HQ consider finding a solution to this, as H5P is getting wider and wider internationaly distributed, and proper translation could hinder that flow. enabling an easy translation tool could help ease the process. please consider.


BV52's picture

Hi nadav,

I would say yes and no. Yes you would need some tools and steps that normally a developer would do but translating the contents I believe can be achieved by non-developers. Personally I have edited a few translations with my coding skills being novice at best. However there is a project that serettig one of the community members has started that aims to help with translations you can read more about this here: https://h5p.org/node/447795. Please note that I haven't tested this and for any questions you reach out to him on that post.

Edit: I don't know of any plans from the core team of implementing a more user friendly way of translating but you never know :-)


nadavkav's picture

Thank you BV52,

That is exactly what I was looking for!

I registered an account with Sebastian's translation website, and I am looking forword to get the proper previligies and start updating the current partial Hebrew translation of all H5P compenents and libreries.

