Unable to Delete/Remove Content from My Account
Submitted by hahphd on Mon, 03/18/2019 - 15:33
I am unable to delete content/remove content from my account. Often I will create multiple versions of something in draft so others can see them. Now my account is cluttered with content I don't use (trash, really). The SAVE and DELETE buttons are on the bottom left, but the delete button is not removing the content from my library/account.
Is there something else I'm suppoed to be doing?
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 10:13
Hi Heather,You are creating
Hi Heather,
You are creating contents in H5P.org is that correct?
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 13:52
Hello,I have the exact same
I have the exact same problem with content hosted on h5p.org: I click on "delete" but nothing happens at all.
Thu, 03/21/2019 - 13:18
Yes, these are H5P content
Yes, these are H5P content files. I want to "clean up" my account files by deleting some superfluous files. Here is a link to a google doc with screen shots. When I click the delete button, H5P saves and "updates" the content. ??? I don't want it updated; I want it deleted. The delete button is simply not working. I've had other co-workers report the same issue. It's quite frustrating. I am attaching one screen shot, and providing a link to a google doc with multiple screen shots.
Thank you for looking into this. This is affecting several of my co-workers, as well. We love H5P, but we'd also like to clean up our files/account.
Mon, 03/25/2019 - 15:41
Hi Heather,For your other
Hi Heather,
For your other request to delete the forum post from the list, I'm afraid this is not possible. How pages are created as new forum posts and contents are very similar hence the same set of list.
Mon, 03/25/2019 - 13:09
Same issue
I have exactly the same issue. If anyone has managed to solve this can you please let me know too?
Mon, 03/25/2019 - 15:39
Hi All,There was a bug that
Hi All,
There was a bug that caused this issue. A fix has been deployed and you should be able to delete the contents now. If you are still encountering the issue or have additional questions feel free to post in the forums.