
Hi everyone,

I found a problem yesterday, I was using column because I wanted to create  a listening test, but the content audio was missing. I did not undestand what happened, but 3 days ago when I used it the content audio was in the list.

Can you help me?

Many thanks

BV52's picture

Hi Deborah,

Can try downloading this test content and upload it your system and check if audio will show up. If it doesn't please provide the information below:

  1. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen)
  2. Platform and version number. E.g. Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle.
  3. Mobile or Desktop
  4. Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc
  5. H5P plugin version
  6. H5P content type and version (if a content type was used), and a sample URL or attached H5P.
  7. Any browser console errors
  8. Any PHP errors
  9. Screenshots if it's a visual problem
  10. Any recent changes to the environment (new plugins/modules, updates, configuration changes etc.)
  11. Any recent changes to the browser you're using (new extensions, updates etc.)

The more information you provide, the quicker the community will be able to fix it and the quicker you'll have a working solution!
