wordpress plugin - instantiate the plugin after ajax call



I've installed the h5p plugin in wordpress and i'm calling the shortcode as usual. This doesn't work on posts that are loaded via ajax, it returns an empty iframe. 

I could instantiate the plugin via H5P.init(); on javascript, but H5P doesn't exist. Which script should I enqueue for it to work?

The js AJAX event:

jQuery.post(ajax_object.ajax_url, data, function(response) {



where "response" comes from this php function


function loadh5pQuiz ($postID, $section, $chapterNr, $subchapterNr) {

$class = $postID . "-". $section;

$h5p = '<div id="h5p-' . $class . '" class="container h5p h5p-' . $class . '">';

$h5p .= '<div class="quiz-' .$class.'">' . do_shortcode( '[h5p id="1"]') . '</div>';

$plugin = \H5P_Plugin::get_instance();


$h5p .= "</div>";

echo $h5p;



any hints?

icc's picture

There is a small guide available here: