When moodle lesson restore h5p can't embed

I create moodle lesson and h5p in one website and backup the lesson. Then I restore the lesson in another website but the h5p could not embed. The HTML shows than the h5p url has changed. Is there any way to sovle that? 

BV52's picture

Hi Pandaaa,

Would you mind providing the following:

  1. Any browser console errors
  2. Any PHP errors


When you create a H5P activity in Moodle it gets a unique ID. By backing up and restoring a course or activities, the H5P activity gets assigned a new ID, hence the broken links. This has been a problem for quite some time.

However, there is a solution: Use the H5P filter plugin (https://moodle.org/plugins/filter_h5p). With this plugin you can use the name of the H5P activity instead of the ID. So even when you backup something, it should still work.

You'll need to upload the h5ps to the new website/course, get the new embed code, and embed again. Embed links are relative to the first course and website. Or, you should be able to create a new h5p in the new course on the new website and copy/paste with the new copy/paste function.

BV52's picture

Hi mattgig and maude,

Thank you for the inputs.
